Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Arch de Triomph at Ground Zero

In all the pontification on building a mosque at (or near) ground zero, I have heard no one talk about how the jihadists will see it. If we allow a mosque to be built on the ruins of the twin towers, the cave dwelling jihadist will say: we knocked down the great towers and in their place was built a mosque to Allah. It will be seen as nothing less than a monument to their victory at ground zero.

Freedom of religion issues aside, we can not just give a propaganda victory of such magnitude to those who seek to destroy us. If the jihadist wants to built an arc de triomphe to 9-11 at ground zero, then let them invade this country, defeat it, then build whatever they want whereever they want. But let's not just give them their Arc de Triomphe.

On a separate but related issue. Obama has come out in favor of letting the Jidadist have their Arc de Triomphe at ground zero. Politically speaking, this is an act of breath taking stupidity, something Clinton would never have done. Lord knows, most of the country is against this mosque at ground zero. The approval for this mosque will never cross Obama's desk. There was no need to go public with his opinion. Yet he speaks out about it anyway. It can only harm the democrats. It shows a total lack of political discipline.