Convention of States - Risk of a Runaway Convention

I looked into the objections regarding the Convention of States idea, that it would turn into a run away convention that would become open ended.
To start with, I am well aware of the fears of a runaway convention I too was opposed for many years a so called Constitutional Convention. I remember reading about such an effort on the part of the left during the 90s.
I read Levine's book and to be frank, I found his arguments against the possibility of a runaway convention to be convincing.
And as I think about it, I am having a hard time seeing that as a real possibility. Let's take the Second Amendment as a proxy for a runway convention. The Second Amendment is not on Alaska's resolution for a Convention of States which means it's not on the Agenda. So it would be illegitamate from the outset. But suppose, the Convention did propose a repeal of the Second Amendment. That repeal would have to be ratified by 38 states which would be extremely unlikely.
So in order to pass a repeal of the Second Amendment, they would have to change the rules of ratification from what they were going into the Convention. That would be grounds for full on revolution.
There is no doubt the left will try. It's just I don't believe they can be successful.
Besides that, the Amendments that Levine proposes are not unreasonable. Giving the states the ability to veto actions by the Federal Government would be a very good thing. Right now, the Federal Government in all three branches refuses to rein itself in on anything. I think it is important to give an alternate means of overturning actions by the Federal Government. Congress will never propose such an amendment. The only way to get the ball rolling on such an amendment would be a Convention of the States.
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