Universal Background Check will lead to registration
Universal background checks are unworkable unenforceable without registration. Background checks work on retail sales because there is a paper trail from manufacturer to retailer at which point the paper trail ends. There is no way to enforce these background checks if you don't first know who has what: registration.
These folks need to look beyond their utopian fantasies and consider what will actually happen if they pass Universal Background Checks. There will be widespread non-compliance. People will continue to buy and sell privately. Then will come the call for registration. Expect more non-compliance. This will be a total waste of time, no upside, big downside.
These folks need to look beyond their utopian fantasies and consider what will actually happen if they pass Universal Background Checks. There will be widespread non-compliance. People will continue to buy and sell privately. Then will come the call for registration. Expect more non-compliance. This will be a total waste of time, no upside, big downside.
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